Claire Perkins
The fact that the author Dr. Venkat Kumaresan is so obviously a good and caring team leader is obvious, the fact that he wants to share his experience and way of being ‘Father of the team’ shines through in this wonderful, intelligent book written for all team leaders.
He says “Are leaders remembered? Yes, only if they leave a legacy, we’re talking of charisma here.” Dr Kumaresan shows YOU how to be a charismatic and loved leader through his eight-step natural leadership style that he, himself, evolved out of his experience as a ‘Father Manager.’
The title of the book is intriguing. Being a Father Manager is very much like a father who cares for his child selflessly. Dr Kumaresan asks “Why not put some emotion into your leadership in addition to passion? Why not treat your colleagues like you would treat your children?”
Imagine a life where your team loves to talk to you. Imagine the contentment you will get as a leader. No raises and promotions can replace that contentment and pride of having left an impact on another person’s life.
Father of Your Team is all about relationships and let’s face it, we spend more time at work than we do at home, so by being loved and loving your colleagues will make your 9-5 so much more rewarding and enjoyable! I thoroughly recommend Father of Your Team to all leaders - new managers and experienced executives alike.
- Claire Perkins, Book Talk Radio Club - Giving Authors The Recognition They Deserve.
Venkat Author
- Claire Perkins, Book Talk Radio Club - Giving Authors The Recognition They Deserve.